york swirls

Monday, January 31, 2011

A new Season

Chloe's softball season is starting today! I find myself being so anxious and worried sometimes about guiding Chloe through this life. Of course we are quick to lean towards things that are of our own interest. With softball being one of them. Chloe loves softball. But does she LOVE it like Paul does? There are so many choices of activities to choose from. Are we choosing the right one for her? Will this activity hinder her from another plan that God has for her? That is my constant prayer! That the Lord will lead us and whatever she does in her life that it will glorify the Lord!

Chloe has been practicing pitching since summer with a coach that we are blessed to have. Where did he come from? He his giving her pitching lessons for free. Who does that? So is she a pitcher? Will she pitch her first game this season? Can she be that girl? Being a pitcher seems so stressful to me.

Then there is the schedule: Late homework nights, keeping up grades, fast food dinners, weekends and weeknights on the field.

Okay Lord, I have no choice but to put ALL my trust in you. I'm totally leaning on the Lord this season. He will come through like he always does.
Proverbs 3:5 Trusting in you Lord with all my heart.

Monday, December 6, 2010

So Here We are In December

Obviously the whole blogging thing hasn't been on the top of my list. I so enjoy reading other blogs and I can't get myself to make it at least a monthly habit. So maybe I have myself a new resoltution in the mix. 1. New Years Resolution Blog Somewhat Consistantly... We shall see.. This years along with many others has brought me to my knees. The Lord is so GOOD and he BLOWS MY MIND with his GRACE MERCY and PROVISIONS. As the year gets ready to close there has been these things learned...

How to Forgive
How to Accept Forgiveness Back
How to Trust
How to Let Go
How to Handle Heartbreak

And to think there is still sooo much to learn..

The year is not officially over. So my hope and prayer is to make every moment a special one and to bask in this love of my Holy Father who has truley blessed me. Christmas is Upon Us!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Overwhelmed with joy

The last couple months have been packed with goodness concerning Chloe and what you have in store for her and the Sandoval House. I'm getting overwhelmed when I think about how to write it all on this blog. In April the Sandoval family was blessed with a unique gift. Chloe and her 5th grade class were scheduled to go on a 5 daytrip with her classmates. The trip cost was a little out of our budget for the Sandoval Family and in all truth we really do not like her to be away from us. I think both Paul and I agree that the thought of her being so far away from us. (8hours away) and having to pay for it when we don't have the money, We feel sick to our stomach. Well April came around and we were ready to spend our week with Chloe staying home w/ us when we got a phonecall for Chloe... Someone or a group or I don't know the specifics....anyways the bottom line a free trip was offered to her... Now in the past at my old job I have witnessed things like this many times before. I truly know that for some families that God has blessed them w/ money it seems that some families are blessed to have money coming out thier ears. Anyways I truly cannot figure out how this came about but it happened to US. Never thought that something like that would happen. Call Me prideful or anything else but I had soooo many emotions.. And sorting them all out this is what I came up w/ 1. God wanted Chloe there
2. We have been overwhelmingly blessed
3. There are truly good people out there that we can call our family of God.
4. I pray with all my heart to listen when God asks me to bless someone as they did and be obediant.
5. I'm always clinging to my little ones with clenched hands I have to let go and lift them up to God.

So in the end she went and she was blessed. There was a peace. Lord you are Good and you keep on giving...

Needless to say Gods blessings did not stop there..

Chloe has had her best year in softball yet, a good respectable coach, an awesome bunch of well rounded girls, and Chloe just grew w/ enthusiasm, talent and skill. Just when I was getting to worry if she is ready to take this sport head on seriously, she grew and she has shown a love for the game. The season was going well The girls have been teetering with good games and bad ones. As our season was coming to a close we were running into trials. Girls leaving for trips, coaches not commicating and of coarse an occasional slumps for some of the girls, Chloe being in one of them. Just as we were calling our season to an end things started to change we/them the team was gaining back thier momentum. As we have recently spent some time watching some family movies there are two that spoke to us. The Blind Side and we rewatched Facing the Giants.. These true story movies reminded us how Gods uses sports to glorify him and make miracles happen. Last Wednesday Chloe's team beat an undefeated team that brought us into the Championship to play for first place. We went from 4th/5th place to 2nd and/or possibly 1st ( w Gods help of coarse ) The results are to be seen this coming week. But back to Wednesday.. The Gators w/ Gods Help suprised everyone even themselves. This will be a season to remember. As we prepare for this game coming up this week we know that we have truly already won. The Lord has blessed Chloe and I hope this will be a year she will remember and just to think we are barely in the 5th month. Lord I pray you continue to work miracles in the Sandoval House and to our friends and families around us. I pray that both of these events will hugely make an imprint on Chloes heart as she grows closer to you and she will remember that we serve a big God who is all knowing, all powerful and all loving in all things.........So as a qoute from Facing the Giants " I am overwhelmed"

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Turtle Blogging

I have been slow to blog...I think I have writers block. I promised myself though I would post at least once a month. Despite the busy schedule it has been pretty quiet. I am looking forward to next week which is Chloe's Easter vacation. I am excited to celebrate reserection day. I am so in love with my Lord. I am anticipating miracles this year. I'm not quite sure what to expect buy I feel they are coming. I have a new sense of peace that God is so much bigger than what I always imagined. He with hold back no good thing and he works all things according to his good plan. I have a peace that I do not have urgent needs try to fix things. I think my fixing things (my way) or (urgently) only end up in trouble end in detours. I am totally convinced that I am not a good planner for the future because his plan are way better than mine. I am resting safe in his arms.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

So long, farewell to our peaceful schedule

So the rollercoaster begins...... This is the time of year we get on the busy side. Chloe will start her 6th year in softball, so practices and games will fill up our time. In the meantime I'm hosting my American Girl Cooking Classes (at home) and preparing for my VPS Summer class. I'm loving these classes by the way. God is leading me in some other projects that I have in the works. I will post as soon as the details are squared away. So excited to see how God will work in all this.

I pray for my sweet Chloe-Belle as she juggles her schedule. She's been quite the busy girl at school too. Getting good grades, student council, school play, speech meet, art festival, and now to add to her list she is newspaper editor for her school newspaper. Sweet! Be with her Lord!

As for Paul Caleb he is keeping me on my toes. He is quite the explorer these days. No fear. I remember Chloe being this way but he is a little more daring. He is climbing up on every furniture item in the house. He is also quite the talker, picking up words every day. Favorite words are: Mama : ) Dada Papa (grandpa) Sister, moo (more) nana (banana and food) ba-ba, bye-bye, bob bob (spongebob) dog-dog, nah nah (shaking his finger meaning no) and uh-oh.

I want to cherish these moments.........

Guide us in our busyness Lord.

Thursday, February 18, 2010